Laidotuvių procesija Kaune. XX a. 4-as dešimtmetis
Other title(s): Funeral Procession in Kaunas. The 4 th Decade of the 20 th Century.
Year: 1930
Description: Decorated Laisvės alėja street in Kaunas. Different advertisements. The main building of The University of Vytautas the Grand Duke. The students of the University. The professors of the University: rector, philosopher Stasys Šalkauskis, professor of chemistry Jonas Šimkus, priest Vladas Mironas. Funeral procession. The cuffin in the carriage. Participants of the procession - civils, military and clergy. Dotnuva town panorama. Agriculture Academy of Dotnuva. Dotnuva church. St. Georg church in Šiauliai. Religious procession with flags and congregations near the church.
Keywords: Laidotuvės / Mokslas / Science
Provider: Lietuvos Centrinis Valstybės Archyvas
Rights: In Copyright / Lietuvos Centrinis Valstybes Archyvas
Colour: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
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